So for awhile now, I've held back from writing what's been going on in my heart + life. The real and honest. Not because I was afraid, but because I wanted to wait until it was perfect. To be able to look back on different times of growth in my life and take time to fully and carefully express it in words. Then I realized that it's not gonna happen - unless I
just do it. I've been having endless amounts of inspiration - actually I'm drowning in it - so much so that I don't have time to sit down and write it all out. Everything is in fragments - little pieces swirling around in my head until I'm ready to cry, laugh, or "sit at the typewriter and bleed" (Ernest Hemingway). I didn't want to share until I could share everything - and until I could sort it out and satisfy my high standards of writing for myself. But here I am. "Broken, mended, wounded, healed." And I'm going to start here.
{frames from an all-state choir Christmas party}
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