November 17, 2013

a weekend at home.

in lieu of a deep post (which I just cannot get around to finish writing), I decided to photo journal my weekend.  and of course, no post is complete without some Pin-spiration.
going to the mall with brother, sister, and mother.  seeing/hearing/smelling/tasting Christmas already.  pretending it's cold here in Houston.
so.  I saw thor: the dark world this friday.  that's about all I can say, seeing as my family has not watched the movie yet and I cannot burst into tears as I explain my emotional conflicted-ness as I watched it.  so good, so sad, so funny, so amazingly awesome.
studying for my Module 5 Anatomy and Physiology test.  not to mention dissecting a frog.  yep, I've seen better days...
enjoying reading "the Holiness of God" by R.C. Sproul.  loving how important it is to understand God's holiness first and foremost.
integrity.  a big part of life this year.  (also from "the Holiness of God")
I've also been driving a lot this week.  yes, I am seventeen and I only have my driver's permit.  as one of my teachers said also of her daughter, when I write my life book, there will be a chapter entitled "why not being able to drive ruins your senior year and makes you a bitter person."  just kidding.  but not really. ;)
watching too many Audrey Hepburn movies, I think.
and some more Audrey-esque fashion...
no words.  except that, as my kindred spirit says, we "Hopeless Hiddles" (Loki fans) can come out of hiding now that thor: the dark world is out.  mm-hmm yes.
music therapy :)
pretty worried by the sight of this relatively big and random fire on the horizon of one of our neighborhoods, until we found out that one of the city plants/factories was purposely burning something over a few days in a very controlled fashion. :)

so here I am, attempting to collect moments (in this blog post).  hope you enjoyed it as much as I did :)

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